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Marula Facial Oil: The Ultimate Skin Saviour

Marula Facial Oil: The Ultimate Skin Saviour

Aug 22, 2023

S Basti

Marula Facial Oil Benefits

Originating in Africa, Marula facial oil has a rich history of serving as a beauty product for years. Not only does it serve as a skin treatment item, but it is also beneficial for other beauty and health purposes.


Since it comes from the kernels of the marula fruit, it is all-natural and has a healing effect due to its unique components. It primarily comprises amino acids, fatty acids, and antioxidants that are highly useful to the body.

Fatty Acids: Monounsaturated fatty acids in oil serve as a natural skin moisturiser.

Amino Acids: Amino acids are the basic structural and highly sensitive functional units of proteins, whereas proteins are essential for repairing damaged cells, providing structural support, and keeping your facial skin healthy. L-arginine and glutamic acid present in these amino acids of the oil have hydrating and anti-ageing properties.

Antioxidants: Fighting free radicals and saving cell structure, vitamin E and vitamin C present in Marula facial oil eliminate free radicals to promote skin health.

Based on these components, Marula oil serves numerous other benefits to the human body. Let's see below:

Save Skin from UV Rays

It Saves You from UV Rays

UV rays harm the skin in several ways. Not only do they affect your complexion, but they also cause skin inflammation. They damage the DNA of the cells, ultimately destroying the structural integrity of your facial skin.

Marula facial oil can act as a protective coating that protects your skin from UV rays. The antioxidants, moisture-locking and anti-inflammatory compounds react to eliminate free radicals, prevent skin sagging, and hydrate it to keep it fresh.

The omega-9s and other fatty acids also help this process by forming collagen and initiating skin regeneration. The antioxidants give an additional protective layer from UV sun rays.

Versatile Beauty Oil

The significance of Marula facial oil lies in its facial treatment and as a catalyst to enhance the productive activity of other beauty products when combined. Besides these, Marula facial oil benefits other body organs and tissues; it hydrates the hair, softens the skin, and eliminates other health risks.

Effectively Balances Moisture

Marula oil contains omega-9 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E - the well-known compounds for skin moisturising. It also has 78% oleic acid, which is highly effective in moisturising your skin and enhancing its glow.

Better for Stretch Marks

The minerals, fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants in Marula facial oil help to repair the damaged skin cells and enhance the growth of new cells, preventing stretch marks growth in the skin.

Helpful in Skin Diseases

Eczema or dermatitis is a common skin problem associated with dryness, itching, redness, and cracking. The vital components in Marula oil, like omega-9 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin E, are excellent ointments for this skin problem.

Marula facial oil also helps to regulate the functioning of oil glands in the skin by keeping the dry skin hydrated. Thus, it limits the oil glands from releasing excessive secretions for dry skin. It is also beneficial in preventing inflammations and microbial invasions in your skin.

Save Skin from Damage

Saves Skin from Environmental Damage

Last but not least, Marula facial oil effectively protects the skin from environmental damage, whether there are UV rays, stressors, pollutants, etc. Marula oil acts as a protective shield, saving your skin from the harmful effects of all these agents.

Some other key features of Marula facial oil are as below:

  • It's versatile and is suitable for both dry and greasy skin.
  • Its physical and chemical properties resemble other natural oils.
  • It does not leave greasiness on your skin, being light in weight.
  • Due to its non-comedogenic nature, it does not clog your skin pores.
  • Besides skin, it also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent for other skin areas.


Marula facial oil is an all-natural, healing, protective, and effective skincare product. It holds a significant proportion of fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins that save your skin from harmful environmental agents. Also, Marula facial oil is a beneficial remedy for certain skin diseases. It's an all-in-one facial skin product with innumerable benefits for all skin types.